Poaching or aquaculture
Sadly, it is still a widespread stereotype that 'wild' caviar is the only real, healthy and tasty one. And aquaculture caviar is only a likeness of black caviar. That, alas, is the deepest misconception of all.

Even with the moratorium in place, the scale of poaching and the illegal black caviar market is many times higher than that of lawful production.

Sturgeon species are bottom-feeding fish, picking up food right at the bottom that collects harmful substances, industrial waste and toxins. For this reason, 'wild' caviar is not the cleanest product in terms of green credentials right now. The way caviar from wild fish is extracted must be taken into account besides the state of water they live in and the quality of food they eat. Every time a poacher goes to a river, they will risk being caught by the inspectors. The nets spread out are therefore checked every few days. A sturgeon may be left musty in the nets for a week before it is found and the spawn extracted. The decay products caused by rotting will get into both the meat of the fish and the caviar. This process takes its toll on the quality of the eggs. Poachers add potent banned preservatives to conceal the bad odours and keep the product safe over long distances when in transit, often freezing the caviar more than once.

As a rule, the black caviar extracted illegally is packaged by artisanal methods with no observance of the basic sanitary and epidemiological standards, using prohibited higher-hazard food preservatives, and then traffickers arrange for its transportation to major cities in Russia, the CIS and the Baltic states. Caviar can travel in suitcases and bags masked as normal passenger luggage, in glass jars or even just in plastic bags. The best buy is when you choose legal black caviar from sturgeon fisheries. Again, we wish to address the most common myth about it being 'unnatural'. When sturgeons are kept under conditions that are the closest possible to natural habitats, and when they are fed the appropriate food, then the caviar of these sturgeons and wild sturgeons will be exactly the same in terms of biochemical properties. Caviar extraction techniques now allow caviar to be taken when the grains are at their optimum stage of maturity, avoiding the under-, over- or sub-standard caviar in the end.

When you buy black sturgeon caviar from aquaculture fish farms, you help saving the wild sturgeon stocks, now close to extinction.

All Lemberg Kaviar brand sturgeon caviar is European CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) certified. The additional CITES number label indicates the supplier, time and place of catch. What's more, a CITES label guarantees wholesalers and consumers that the sturgeon the caviar comes from has been caught by legal means.
Where does Black caviar Lemberg come from?
Sturgeon caviar

Due to the ban on the catch of sturgeon from natural reservoirs, Lemberg's black caviar comes mainly from sturgeon farms in Europe. The properties of caviar derived from aquaculture-grown sturgeon fish are the same as caviar taken from fish from a natural source. Mainly Siberian (Acipenser Baerii) and Russian (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) sturgeons are grown in aquaculture. The only type of sturgeon allowed for fishing is the American sturgeon (Polyodon Spathula). American sturgeon caviar comes from the fishing regions of the Mississippi River, USA.
Are your products tested for radiation?
Due to the accident of 23 March 2011 at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, the U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION drafted a document titled "Food Safety Issues," which includes the following conclusions: "(...) Seafood from the U.S. north-east waters is safe to eat. To check whether harmful substances from the atmosphere affect fish products, seafood and fish production facilities are constantly analysed. (...)"

For more detailed information please visit:
Why is there a date with a shelf life on a can of salmon caviar, but you do recommend not to hoard caviar and eat it as soon as possible after buying?
Lemberg caviar is a fresh product and with no additional thermal treatment, except for the products declared as pasteurised. The addition of preservatives (E200 or E285) to caviar products in minimal quantities is used to stabilise and prolong the shelf life of caviar.

The shelf life of the caviar indicated on the packaging is valid only if the caviar is stored continuously at a temperature not higher than +6°C in the original packaging from the manufacturer. In the event of a cooling chain violation, for example, while transporting it in the car or storing in the refrigerator at temperatures above +6°С, we recommend immediate use.

ATTENTION! No parts of the packaging or cooling elements are suitable for consumption!
How is the quality guarantee implemented?
In order to optimally guarantee the quality of products, our company has introduced a product control system consistently enforced by highly-qualified veterinarians. Compliance with all norms in accordance with the food safety system requirements (HACCP) is an integral condition of our work. Years of experience, careful treatment and compliance with hygiene standards guarantee the exceptional quality of our products. All types of sturgeon caviar have European CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) certification. The additional label with the CITES number contains information about the supplier and the time and location of the catch. In addition, the CITES label guarantees wholesalers and consumers that the sturgeon from which the caviar is extracted is caught legally.
Where does Red caviar Lemberg come from?
Red caviar

Lemberg's red caviar is made from caviar of various wild Pacific salmon species. Caviar raw materials for our products come directly from the best fishing regions of the United States (Alaska) and Canada.
Company information
SIA Caviarhouse.lv has been representing the German caviar house Lemberg on the Baltic market for 17 years. All these years, we have been working with all the retail chains of Latvia and Lithuania supplying black and red caviar not only to the shops but also to the central Latvian market, as well as offering black and red caviar to our customers in our office shops in Riga and Daugavpils. All our products are manufactured and packaged in Germany.
How are the products delivered?
The delivery of caviar and fish delicacies requires strict rules to keep the product fresh as long as possible. We ship our products in a special Styropor package with additional ice, which allows to maintain a cool temperature during transportation. Thus, we guarantee the delivery of fresh delicacies without loss of quality at any time of the year, including hot summer months.

Delivery throughout Latvia – EUR 10
FREE DELIVERY for orders over EUR 200

Delivery throughout Lithuania and Estonia – EUR 10
FREE DELIVERY for orders over EUR 200
Where can I see the products and prices, as well as place an order?
You can see available products and prices and make an order on our website www.caviarhouse.lt. You can also find our products and prices on our Facebook page in the Shop section or just call us 67313040 (Monday-Friday) and ask all the questions you might have or make an order. We would be happy if you could find the opportunity to visit our office shop in Riga or Daugavpils!
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